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Brazing copper manifold for HVAC


Induction brazing of copper manifolds: repeatable process, perfect result

Induction brazing on copper manifolds avoids cold or incomplete brazing.

Induction brazing in copper manifolds for the construction of refrigeration circuits and ventilation systems requires repeatable heating for each connection. The Platinum MF25 induction generator allows you to save a power, time and temperature program for each individual diameter to be worked on. This allows for repeatable heating with each cycle.

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Information on induction brazing of copper manifolds for refrigeration and ventilation systems

The induction brazing of the 10 mm diameter connections on a copper manifold for the construction of refrigeration circuits and ventilation systems was carried out with a low frequency PLATINUM MF 25 induction generator coupled with a pyrometer for reading the temperature.

La brasatura risulta pressoché perfetta. I tempi, dopo la brasatura del primo tubicino, si riducono notevolmente poiché il pezzo “di supporto” è già in temperatura dalle operazioni precedenti. 

Gli induttori realizzati appositamente per questi test sono adatti a questo tipo di brasatura. Tuttavia, si possono ancora ottimizzare su specifiche geometrie e le brasature possono essere ulteriormente migliorate.

The program was created by setting the technical data of the melting temperature of the phosphorus copper filler alloy.

The brazing program involves reaching a temperature of approximately 800° C and maintaining it for 5 seconds, the optimal time to allow the alloy to penetrate by capillarity and create the correct meniscus.

After the first brazing the main body is already hot, so the solution of using a power-temperature program is optimal to avoid cold or non-compliant brazings.


  • 1st brazing = 42 seconds
  • 2nd brazing = 18 seconds
  • 3rd brazing  = 18.3 seconds
  • 4th brazing = 17.8 seconds


It is noted that the induction brazing time tends to stay constant after the first cycle as the temperature of the piece is already stabilized, which is why the quality of the brazing is perfect.

The Platinum MF25 generator (25 kW calibrated at 66% of power) was used for this application, the Ø10mm copper tubes were coupled with the respective copper tube base. We reconstructed a repetitive industrial process, brazing the tubes in sequence without resting the piece. Below we list the results:

  • Brazing time for first tube:  ≃ 42 sec.
  • Brazing time for second tube: ≃ 18 sec.
  • Brazing time for third tube:≃ 11,2 sec.
  • Brazing time for fourth tube:≃ 19,7 sec.


The brazing is almost perfect. The times, after brazing the first tube, are significantly reduced since the “support” piece is already at temperature from the previous operations. Inductors made specifically for these tests are suitable for this type of brazing. However, they can still be optimized to specific geometries and the brazes can be further improved.

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